
4000 copies of WirrAle Drinker are distributed to approximately 100  pubs and other venues in Wirral and Liverpool & Chester city centres.

It is published three times a year – March-June, July-October and November-February.

Adverts appear on line at

To request an advert in WirrAle Drinker, please complete the form below or email

Advertising rates 

Size Dimensions (wxh) Price
Full Page 128x190mm (Portrait) £175
Half Page 128mmx93.5mm (Landscape) £95
Quarter Page 62×93.5mm (Portrait) £55
Inside Front Or Back Cover 148×210 with 3mm bleed (Portrait) £240 Special rate £200
Back Cover 148×210 with 3mm bleed (Portrait) £320 Special rate £265

Advertising Enquiry

Please read our Privacy Policy

    Correctly sized artwork should be supplied in 300 dpi CMYK with 3mm bleed ensuring all elements not to be trimmed into or off, are at least 3mm from the edge of the design. It should be sent to in PNG, PDF or JPG format.